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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Museum Mischief!

What an adventure today was! My friend Amber and I decided to check out the Columbus Museum of Art here in Columbus, Georgia. Today was "Fall Festival" and they had all sorts of things for all our kiddos (she has 3) to do, they even had a costume contest! We showed up to the 0-4 year contest late, but our 4 year-olds can definitely pass for 5, so they entered that one. No winners today, but when the second place trophy goes to a store bought Scooby-Doo get-up, I'm not crying!

If they hadn't had the "festival," I don't know that I'd take my kids there, though. Not a whole lot of family-appropriate art--good stuff, great even, but definitely inappropriate for young audiences! I've heard that the basement is usually filled with interactive kid stuff, though, and since it's free, it may be worth looking into.

After Jackson decided the end of his world had come--screaming like a banshee after he'd missed nap-time at 11 or so--we left the museum and stopped for a bite to eat at mama's favorite: Cracker Barrel! I bit my lip as we passed through the sales racks (both times!); I have to force myself to keep my money in my purse in that place. I don't know what it is about all the cutesy little things they have, but it's like crack to me!

After we got home Jack was ready for a real nap and dozed off for about 3 hours, giving Mommy enough time to get a well-deserved nap. It's always a good day when I get to take a nap; but, this was one of those late-afternoon naps where you think it's morning when you wake up again...kinda freaky! 

Leftover night! Time for reheat burritos!

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